Grand Lodge of Virginia OSDIA
Become a Member.
We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.
How Can You Join?
Contact your Local Lodges for information about joining their Lodge. Or if you do not have a Lodge nearby, we offer a Member At Large membership, as well as a Student Member at Large membership.
to contact our Membership Chair with questions.
Who Can Join?
Regular members are those of Italian birth or descent, their spouses, their children (natural or adopted) and their spouses; widows, widowers, and divorced spouses of current or former members.
Social members are those who, because of their national origin, do not qualify as regular members. Social members may participate in social and cultural activities and regular or special meetings of a Lodge. Social members have the right to vote and can hold some offices.
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest.